microphones in the trees: best of seth

Thursday, March 01, 2007

best of seth

"Solo recordings from Akron/Family member Seth Olinsky on Achord Recordings. The triple album varies stylistically from fully formed songs to expierements in sound to what appear to be the formation of Akron/Family demos. Seth spent the majority of a Fall/Winter period alone cranking out ideas into an MBox and this sizable collection of songs is the unfettered result. None of the rock or free jazz bombast show up on this record, mostly a singer-songwriter approach to heartfelt folk. The songs retain the fragile beauty that inhabits most Akron/Family recordings but with the general exclusion of the other Family members, the recordings begin to take on more of a loner psych feeling. The album, Sparrow Trout Heart Sprout is split up into three discs; Trout, Sun and Sparrow, hand-packaged in a foil embossed cover and limited to 500 copies. The three discs don't seem to be split in any specific fashion, all run with the same spirit of experimentation and free reign throughout. Some tracks require a more patient ear than others, but mixed in amongst the knob twiddling and close micing of perrier are some truely great folk songs that sparkle with the passion and genuine feeling that all Akron/Family related releases seem to have." raven sings the blues
"...the music on Best of Seth shares Akron/Family's range of styles and influences, yet the overall effect of the forty-two songs together and to each other is something that is uniquely Best of Seth. It was recorded in a bedroom big enough for little more than a bed, and the resulting intimacy and silliness are all reflected in the chaotic and grandiose orchestrations, the loosely held together droning midi blues, and the early morning ruminations on heartbroken joy. The Sun album is characterized by ethereal atmospheres and experimental flares. The Trout flies high upon waves of gorgeous bedroom psych-rock and 'calling all your friends in the apartment building' harmonies. The Sparrow brings it back down with a collection of mostly acoustic, ambient-tinged introspective pieces." midheaven
de vez en cuando aparecen sorpresas así en internet...en este caso una pequeña joya descubierta gracias al blog Raven Sings the Blues. folk a ritmo de ukelele de un Akron/Family, Seth Olinsky. el disco no saldrá hasta otoño, pero estas siete canciones saben a gloria.


ana said...

sun comes up!

ana said...

la mejor, no me digas :)

Anonymous said...

Qué guay! El año pasado en Barcelona Seth hacía "slide" con su flauta. Me pareció tan original y a la vez tan lógico.

Que ganas de ver a toda la Family de nuevo en abril.


Anonymous said...

El anterior anónimo es Luismi y éste también.

Anonymous said...

¡Sí le!

